In the execution of all projects, we ensure that all activities are carried out in a manner that ensures the absolute safety of our staff, host communities, clients, environment and equipment. For us to achieve this, the following provisions ha guided our activities:

  • Ensuring that all works are carried out in a safe manner and in accordance with applicable company’s safety rules and regulations.
  • Protecting the health and safety of employees.
  • Every job shall be subjected to thorough job hazard analysis and risk assessment.
  • Managing and disposing wastes according to acceptable procedure.
  • Ensuring that the company provides all employees with personal protective equipments.
  • Ensuring that the health of workers is adequately protected.
  • Encouraging staffs to show dedication and discipline in the practice and promotion of good HSE habits.
  • Giving the necessary support for effective training of staffs.

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As any work affects every system of the human body, our Company policy on health includes the following:

  • The Company laid great emphasis on the promotion of the health concept and the protection of the employees.
  • The Company recognized the health hazard of its employees and third parties, and so shall monitor and control it.
  • Medical retainership is maintained with a reputable Clinic in the Locality for treatment of illness arid emergency purposes.
  • Workers in the Company must possess medical certificate of fitness before employment and to undergo medical examination regularly.
  • The Company operates No Smoking Policy, as we identify it health potential hazard.

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It is the policy of our company that:

  • Positive attitudes to safety shall be rewarded and negative ones frowned upon.
  • To carry out its business activities that is devoid of injuries or damage to properties
  • While the overall responsibility for safety rest at the highest management level, all individuals at every level have responsibilities for carrying out that policy. With this in mind employees should report potential hazards and observe safety rules, procedures and codes of practice.

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It is our policy to manage the security risks associated with our operations by identifying and evaluating potential areas of threat to property and reputation. we provide all employees with identity cards and workers are briefed regularly on current security situation and security risks.

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We provide the necessary organization; facilities, procedures and training so that immediate coordinates action can be taken to manage the situation in line with the policy. Close liaison shall be maintained with Clients and regular exercise shall be carried out to confirm effectiveness and any necessary improvement made promptly so as to maintain our readiness at all times.

We believe the response to any emergency within any operational area shall be directed towards:

  • Saving life
  • Care for the injured
  • Protection of the environment
  • No damage to asset

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Our Environmental policy revolves around the achievement of improve living conditions. The company is committed to ensuring clean and healthy environment especially in the course of our work. Environmental sanitation programme are seriously implemented. Efforts are concentrated towards minimization of wastes during the course of work. Wastes generated during our operations are segregated and properly disposed to various designated dumpsite area.

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To take all practical and reasonable measures to minimize the generation of solid and liquid wastes.
To manage and dispose such wastes in a statutory and environmentally responsible manner.
To track and maintain records of the full life cycle of waste streams and provides an auditable trail as to its management and disposal.

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We will strive to act with the proper attention to qualify in pursuit of engineering objectives and activities. In support of this, we have as a matter of policy a quality manual outlining the quality requirements of Our COMPANY, and assigned the day management of this system to the Heads of departments. The head of each department is responsible for the effective implementation within their own section of the Quality Policy and Objectives as outlined in this document. The overall co-ordination, including the monitoring and auditing of the Quality Assurance (QA) system is the responsibility of the head of the Company. All staffs of the organization has the freedom to identify related problems, recommend corrective actions and verify implementation. All staffs are encouraged to make suggestions which improved the quality system. It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that the established quality system is adhered to. It is the management’s commitment to vigorously pursue this end, and in doing so, encourage a quality ethic within the work force. This will be our battle cry, “We will get it right, first time” and this is the reason why we say GEECOMS INTEGRATED SERVICES LIMITED is committed to excellent service.

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All materials required that can be sourced locally will be procured locally in line with the Local content. These materials are but not limited are iron materials, aluminum materials, sheets, cements, nails, woods, fibers, chemicals, etc. ENGINEERING-design and every other drawing shall be done within Nigeria. MANPOWER-Nigerian Engineers, Supervisors and workers shall be engaged fully.